If you are interested in learning about the reasons some people "hear voices in their heads", check out helpful information here. It is worth noting that many people believe they are being attacked by weapons that use advanced technologies such as microwave, radar, infrared, and satellite. Additionally, some people believe they are being harassed by bots or followed by someone in person. These experiences are personal and and can be extremely emotional. Expressing doubt of the validity of these experiences is a personal response that is not tolerated here.

If you feel like you're part of this group, or landed here impulsively, that’s super. Realize that it takes courage for many in this group to express themselves online. We all have different reasons for being here, and whether you're here for the comments, or just browsing the content, welcome!



To become an active listener, it's essential to use your judgment and not accept everything you hear as true simply because someone else is going through a similar experience as you. It's important to avoid assuming that someone else is experiencing the same situation as you just because you can relate to certain aspects.

It's crucial to acknowledge that individuals who have been through traumatic experiences may be vulnerable to various triggers. Find reliable and well-researched information to better manage your particular situation. Connecting with individuals who have had similar experiences can also be immensely helpful, but be aware of those who may attempt to misuse your personal information.

Harmful comments and trolls will be blocked.

  • On this website, there are resources and keywords you can learn about and search online. Please feel free to reach out by email as well. See “contact”.

  • The information on this site is accompanied by documented sources or real-life experiences.

  • If you’re interested, absolutely!

    Please visit “Contact” to send a message and you’ll get a response ASAP.

