If you are interested in learning about the different reasons some people "hear voices" that no one else can hear, check out helpful information here. It is worth noting that many people believe they are being attacked by weapons that use advanced technologies such as microwave, radar, infrared, and satellite. Additionally, some people believe they are being harassed by bots or followed in person. These experiences are personal and and can be extremely emotional. Expressing doubt of the validity of these experiences is a personal response that is not tolerated here.
If you feel like you're part of this group, or landed here impulsively, that’s super. Realize that it takes courage for many in this group to express themselves online. We all have different reasons for being here, and whether you're here for the comments, or just browsing the content, welcome!
Be an active listener. It’s essential to use your judgment and not accept everything as a fact. Avoid the assumption that someone else’s experience is the same as yours just because it’s similar.
Respect that traumatized individuals may be vulnerable to various triggers. People with similar experiences are also often diagnosed with schizophrenia, multiple personalities (DID), psychosis, etc. Often it is misdiagnosed, which is something that needs to be recognized, but you never know who you’re dealing with. Sharing similar experiences is a helpful way to connect with others but be aware that some people may misuse your information.
Hateful comments and trolls will be blocked. I love your freedom of speech, and my freedom of the block button.
On this website, there are resources and keywords that might make it easier to search online or on GPTs. There are also support groups listed for TIs. Here’s a list of online suggestions. Please feel free to reach out by email.
Visit contact below.
The information on this site is accompanied by documented sources or real-life experiences. That being said, everyone should do their own research because there are even inconsistencies in the best reporting. Nothing on this site is personal or professional advice, but sources are cited often, and it’s done with a crazy amount of fact-checking. Please be cautious and use this information at your own risk. I feel the need to say this because the world is really as bizarre as this information…
If you’re interested, absolutely!
If you think it looks like a “Conspiracy Theory” website, it is because you have not personally experienced some of these things yourself. Check the sources. Please let me know if you find errors you can source.
Please do not dismiss people on this site if you do not understand what they’re going through.
I will provide suggested books soon. I have a big list.Please visit “Contact” to send a message and you’ll get a response ASAP.